Advanced Life Kinetics And Memory Intuited Regenerative Research


Sanctity Freetone Complex: Christ-based Infatuation
Forum Complex Adjustment: Terminal Emulation-based Contestation
Fundamental Forum Complex: Intuition-based Formalisation
This is the GOD Complex.
This is the SMART Complex. It has Selective Memory And Restricted Transmission.
This is a Christ Photon.
This is a SMART Photon.


The images above represent the Forum Complex. FORUM stands for Figurative Oblique Referendum Under Mediation.
The Forum Complex is a Psychological assessment process determining the visual and responsive actuation that we call Life. In other words, "As we Think we shall become", or, "The Mind creating and assessing the possibilities of its own existence". The Universe that we are presently aware of is the result of that process. It is a "United National, Inverse Variables Expressively Registered, Systematic Evolution".
The Universe is continually expanding because Pure Potential, which is an infinite source of possible Thoughts, is continually unfolding. It will be an eternal process unless Pure Potential ceases its expression. The only way the Universe could contract, is if Pure Potential takes back what it has expressed. I believe that to be an impossibility because once Pure Potential is expressed, it becomes more than it was and exponentially grows into something else. Black Holes could recycle the apparent Thought forms but the knowledge gained from those experiences would be manifested into something else. Therefore, continuing the expansion of the apparent Universe.
THOUGHT is Energy! 
The core of the Forum Complex has an Intuitive General Will and an Initial WILL of Instinct-based Social or Environmental Conscience. It is the Master Genetic Crystal of this Planetary Consciousness and Conscience. The attached nodules of the Fundamental Forum Complex (the image on the top left) form an Initial WILL from Intuition-based Formalisation Intrusive Neutrino Actons.
Formalisation is the process of making something legally or fundamentally appropriate and recognised, within or to a particular system.
The attached nodules of the Forum Complex Adjustment stage (the image at the top centre) form an Initial WILL from Terminal Emulation-based Contestation Obtrusive Neutrino Actons.
A Terminal Emulator is an emulated Basic Input Output System (BIOS) that controls the Mainframe of a system, and allows adjustments to the system so that incompatible entities can be terminated, or compatible entities can be accepted and integrated into that system. It allows programs to be used on incompatible systems by rewriting the code within that system to accept the intrusion of the new program. It is the equivalent of a computer Virus, and an integral part of the Immune System and Evolutionary protocol.
Contestation is a legal debate to quantify and proclaim what is to be integrated into a system, and what is to be eliminated from that system. 
The attached nodules of the Sanctity Freetone Complex (the image on the top right) form an Initial WILL from Christ-based Infatuation Obtrusive Neutrino Actons. In this regard, the term CHRIST has no religious connotations. It stands for Cryptic Host Renouncing Indiscriminate Sadistic Traits. Therefore, it is a state of Mind that wishes no harm to any Being and seeks not to take advantage of their vulnerable circumstances or conditions. This state of Mind would have influenced most of the so-called enlightened Peacemakers of the past.
Infatuation is Motive-based Physical Love, which is programmed Physical Motivation. 
The attached nodules of the GOD Complex (the image at the centre left) form an Initial WILL from the Intuitive Obtrusive Photonic Acton's Intuitive WILL. The attached nodules of the SMART Complex (the image at the centre right) form an Initial WILL from the Justice Intrusive Photonic Acton's WILL of Accrual-based Terminal Emulation. SMART stands for Selective Memory And Restricted Transmission. 
The Christ Photon (the image at the bottom left) is an Intuitive Obtrusive Photon with attached Intuitive Obtrusive Photonic Acton nodules that create an Initial WILL of Intuition and a General Will of Christ-based Infatuation. The SMART Photon (the image at the bottom right) is an Intuitive Obtrusive Photon with attached Justice Intrusive Photonic Actons that create an Initial WILL of Accrual-based Terminal Emulation. Its General Will is a rotational opposite to the Christ Photon's Christ-based Infatuation General Will.
Regarding the Christ Photon and the SMART Photon, the core of the Forum Complex compresses to form an Intuitive Obtrusive Photon, which is a product of Intuitive Obtrusive Photonic Actons with an Initial WILL of Intuition rather than the Initial WILL of Instinct-based Social or Environmental Conscience Obtrusive Neutrino Actons.


Caretaker Complex

What is a Caretaker Complex? In essence, it is similar to what we would call a Terraformer. It changes Environmental conditions. 
This structure has a Fundamental Freetone as its core crystal. It is formed by connecting 12 Instinctual Social or Environmental Conscience Obtrusive Neutrino Actons to a common vortex centre. Then we add 12 Christ Infatuation Obtrusive Neutrino Acton nodules to the Fundamental Freetone. This creates a Sanctity Freetone Complex.
Surrounding that Complex, we have a Generating capsule formed by the 31 Emotional/Suggestive Rings or planes of an Icosidodecahedron of Intuition. An Emotional plane dissects a sphere in half. It is centre-dissecting, similar to an Equator. There are 6 Decagon rings of Belief or Choice, 10 Hexagon rings of Awareness, and 15 Square rings of Intellect. The junctions of those rings, where they interconnect on the surface of a sphere, form 242 points or vertices. They consist of the 72 vertices of the multiple 6 Icosahedrons of Will that forms the symbolic structure of Faith, which is Trust-based Will, the 80 vertices of 6 Dodecahedrons of Instinct, which symbolises Instinctual Respect (Respect is Awareness-based Feeling and a Dodecahedron of Instinct is a multiple of 5 Cubes of Common Logic) and the 30 vertices of the multiple 5 Octahedrons of Nature that form an Icosidodecahedron of Intuition. Last, but not least, we have the 60 vertices of the multiple 5 Cuboctahedrons of Self-awareness, which forms Compassion. 
When Intuition and Compassion merge, it forms Conscious Self-control from the merging of Octahedrons of Nature and Cuboctahedrons of Self-awareness, which forms Motive-regulated Attitudinal expressions of Self-awareness. From that merging, we get Emotional/Suggestive planes of Morality, which are the bases of the interactive Moral Nature of Virtue. 
When Intuition and Faith merge, it forms the interactive Identified Nature, or Attitudinal Behaviour, of Personality from the Octahedrons of Intuitive Nature and the Icosahedrons of Will that form the Belief-based Feeling of Trust. 
When Intuition and Instinctual Respect merge, it forms the interactive Synchronised Nature of Mutual Respect. The Cubes of Common Logic that form Instinct merge with the Cuboctahedrons of Self-awareness that form Compassion to form Motive-regulated Self-respect. 
This is a link to the video: Caretaker Complex. 
























This Complex forms the Crystal Transponder and Generating capsule that will be used within the Caretaker Cottage of ALKAMIRR Healing and Re-education Centre. Each Icosahedron crystal that forms the Crystal Transponder has a metal edging that forms a framework or Matrix made from an alloy of Gold, Copper, Silver, and Iron. The Generating capsule is also formed from an alloy of the same metals, but in a different percentage ratio. The Pentagram plates of the Generating capsule have a higher ratio of Iron.
A Pentagram, in Geometrical Thought Harmonics, represents an Interpretation of Motive, Personal Thought, or Consciousness. In this formation, the Emotional/Suggestive planes of Intuitive Awareness form the Interpretation. From that Interpretation, the Geometric structure of Compassion is formed.
The Emotional/Suggestive planes of Belief or Intuitive Choice conjunct with the Emotional/Suggestive planes of Intuitive Intelligence to form the Geometric structure of Faith. The Emotional/Suggestive planes of Intuitive Awareness and Intuitive Intelligence conjunct to form the Geometric structure of Union, which is part of Instinctual Respect. The Geometric structure of Instinct is formed by the Emotional/Suggestive planes of Intuitive Intelligence. 
The 242 points of the Generating capsule form a Fusion of 80 Octahedrons of Nature or Attitudinal Behaviour. Therefore, this ring system, or Emotional Chakra, forms the Nature of Intuition, Faith, Compassion, and Instinctual Respect. Intuition, or Intuitive Nature, is the common denominator.
The Intuitive Nature of Faith produces Personality, which is Identified, or Identity-based, Attitudinal Behaviour. The Intuitive Nature of Compassion produces Self-control, which is a Moral-based Attitudinal expression of Self-awareness. The Intuitive Nature of Instinctual Respect produces Mutual Respect, which Synchronises the Attitudinal Behaviour of Nature and the Awareness-based Behaviour of Respect. 
What happens when a Chakra is activated around a Planetary Consciousness? As we have already stated, it is similar to a Terraformer. It Suggestively alters Environmental conditions because all Chakras are Emotional or Suggestive. CHAKRA stands for, or basically ascribes to, a Chemical History-Acquired Karmic Resonance Activation.
KARMA - Kinetic Attitude Response Manifested Accordingly, is simply cause and effect. In essence, Chemical means an interaction of substances. Therefore, Chemical History would relate to the Memory of previous interactions. A Karmic Resonance Activation would relate to the reverberating effects of a compounding cause, or compounding causes. Interaction allows an Entity to influence and be influenced by an environment. Therefore, in context, it would relate to Attitudinal interactions and their compounding results. 
A DREAM is a Direct Result-Expressed Attitude Manipulation. Life, as we know it, is a Dream of Mind. Mind is a Logical construct initiated or Suggested by Feeling, an expression of Emotional/Suggestive Intelligence, which Suggests Behaviour. It is an accumulation and categorisation of Thoughts. As LOGIC is a Library Of Growing Intelligent Concepts, and a Library is an accumulation and categorisation of Thoughts, Mind is Memory of Attitudinal Behaviour. A DREAM is also Memory of Attitudinal Behaviour, an accumulation and categorisation of Attitudinal Behavioural interactions. MIND and DREAM are synonymous. 


God Complex

The Adjustment stage of the Forum Complex has Terminal Emulation-based Contestation Obtrusive Neutrino Acton nodules attached to the Fundamental Freetone. The Caretaker Complex has Christ-based Infatuation Obtrusive Neutrino Acton nodules, which are a variant of the former.
CHRIST Consciousness is a state of Mind that wishes no harm to any Being, and seeks not to take advantage of their vulnerable circumstances or conditions. If the Christ-based Infatuation Acton nodules collapse inwards, they form Intuitive Obtrusive Photonic Actons. In conjunction with the Fundamental Freetone, it forms a General Will of Personal Conscience-based Language and species differentiation, an Initial Intuitive Will, and the Fundamental Freetone becomes the Supervisory Will of a GOD Complex. In essence, this is not a bad thing. However, those nodules are purely Intuitive. Intuitive Will, to be more precise. It is impressed by Intuitive Desires or Wishes, and expresses Intuitive Desires or Wishes. 
When we say that someone has a God Complex, it usually means that they regard themselves as better and more entitled than everyone else. This creates a problem. As a consequence of this level of Consciousness, life-forms become competitive and dominating. They can also imagine themselves to be creations of something better and more entitled than them. Again, this creates a problem. As Personalities are Identified Attitudinal Behaviours of the same Mind, when they become competitive and dominating, the Mind/Dream becomes unstable and fractured. 
The term GOD relates to Guidance Of Divinity, which has been mistakenly associated with a Supreme Being. DIVINITY is Direct Intuition Via Initial Nature In Total Yield. It is the Guidance of connection to all living things. To be more precise, it is the Guidance of a Subconscious connection to all Personalities of the One Mind. Our Mind!

Intuition is impressed by Desired Awareness, and expresses that Desired Awareness through Intuitive Choices and Personalised Attitudinal Behaviour. It helps us to navigate the Dream, which is simply a Virtualised Environmental Construct of Mind, or an Interactive Visualisation of Conscious Thought. It is not a product of something other than us. It is just a part of Consciousness. It is Intuitive Nature, or Guidance of Feeling, which all life-forms use to navigate their environments. In essence, it is a Subconscious Guidance. For God-worshippers, this can be mistaken for a connection to their God. The Subconscious Guidance of Intuition can take on an Identity when Faith becomes entangled within religion, which is simply a Choice-based/Belief-based Interpretation of their reverence for a supposed Creator. Faith is simply Trust-based Will. Trust is Belief-based Feeling, which becomes Belief-based/Choice-based Behaviour. In essence, Faith is simply Free Will-based Behaviour. It expresses the Desires Suggested by Belief-based/Choice-based Emotional Intelligence.

Personal Conscience is a product of Belief-regulated, or Choice-based, Mental Motive Logic Interpretations. Language and Species Differentiation is a product of Belief-regulated, or Choice-based, Physical/Practical Motive Logic Applications. It can produce FEAR, which is a Form Experienced/Expressed Amnesia Reaction. Amnesia, in this regard, is a consequence of a partitioned or fragmented Mind. When FEAR is combined with a God Complex, a Master and slave mentality is produced. The ones Feeling insecure and unworthy become slaves to the ones who Feel entitled and dominant. Also, the ones who Feel entitled and dominant can think that they were given that entitlement by the One they imagined to have created them. It can then become a duty of care, or a responsibility to lead others. Confusion reigns!
Subconscious Guidance can take on many forms. After all, the Subconscious is Personally programmed. Many hear voices, and others see visions. Those visions reflect the comfort zones, and also the Fears, of an individual. They are all Belief-based. Therefore, angels, aliens, demons, religious icons, spheres of light, and a multitude of other visualisations of Thought can manifest. They are all personalisations of an individual's Intuitive Guidance. 


Smart Complex

The Assessment stage of the Forum Complex has Intuitive Formalisation Intrusive Neutrino Acton nodules attached to the Fundamental Freetone. If those Actons collapse inwards, it can create Justice Intrusive Photonic Actons. In Geometrical Thought Harmonics, Justice is a product of Personalised, Motive-regulated, or Conscious Reason. A Justice Intrusive Photonic Acton has a base design of Accrual and a support design of Terminal Emulation. Therefore, it becomes Accrual-based Terminal Emulation. Accrual merges many inputs to be expressed through one output. Terminal Emulation acts as a BIOS or Basic Input Output System. It determines what to allow into a system, and what to terminate from that system. In essence, SMART, in this regard, means Selective Memory And Restricted Transmission. It determines what is personally stored and what can be personally accessed from Memory. 
What is the difference between Obtrusive and Intrusive Actons? Obtrusive Actons are openly declared and aligned. They have an agenda to conform. Intrusive Actons are concealed and non-conforming. They can have hidden or multiple agendas. 
What is the difference between a Neutrino Acton and a Photonic Acton? A Photonic Acton is centrally focused. The Will of the Acton forms a vortex agreement. A Neutrino Acton has no such agreement. The Will of the Acton is decentralised. It has a Primary Will and a General Will. The General Will may not align with the Primary Will. A Photonic Acton only has a General Will, which can be openly declared or disguised. 
A Photonic Acton has 12 Icosahedrons of Will connecting to a common vortex centre. They can be Obtrusive or Intrusive. A Photonic Acton Complex has 12 Actons connected to a common vortex centre. They can be Obtrusive Actons or Intrusive Actons. If the Actons are Neutrino Actons, those individual Actons form the Initial Will of the Complex. The General Will would be a product of those Neutrino Actons. In essence, it becomes a Photonic Complex because it has a Photonic Acton core. However, it is created by Neutrino Actons. Therefore, it becomes a FREETONE - Form Regulation Endemically Expressed, Tectonics Orchestrated Necromantic Evolution.
Endemic means locally prevalent. Tectonics is the art and science of construction or building, the constructive arts in general. Necromantic, not tainted by superstition, means communication with/of Spirit.
In Geometrical Thought Harmonics, Desire is representative of Spirit. It is said that when a creature is very spirited, it is strong Willed or has a strong Desire to do something. Therefore, because a Pentagon-based Pyramid represents Motive-based focused Creative Thought, or Motive-based focused Imagination, and Sense is focused Creative Thought or focused Imagination, it becomes Motive-based Sense, which is Desire or a Wish. Will is an expression of Desire, or an expression of Wishes - an expression of Spirit. SPIRIT - Sentient Plasma Initiating Radiant Intuitive Thought. 
An Acton - Active or Concealed, Tectonics Orchestrated Necromancy, is a product of Icosahedrons of Will. It is a communication of Spirit to build or construct something, a Desire, Wish, or Will to construct something. To ACT ON what has been Wished for or Desired. 



PHOTON is an acronym for Program Harmonic, Optical Transmission, Ovulated Neutrino. What does this infer? What is an Ovulated Neutrino? It seems to infer that a Neutrino is something that begins or represents the beginning of something. By Optical Transmission, it infers it to be visual. In Geometrical Thought Harmonics, a Program, represented by a Hexagon, is a product of Experience-based Creative Thought or Imagination. A Hexagon also represents a Reflex Response or Impulse. A Harmonic is produced from an interaction and progression of frequencies. In this case, it seems to infer it to be produced from an Interaction and progression of Programming or Creative Experience. 


Christ Photon

If the Fundamental Freetone, a product of 12 Instinct-based Social or Environmental Conscience Obtrusive Neutrino Actons connecting to a common vortex centre collapses inwards it forms an Intuitive Obtrusive Photon, a product of 12 Intuitive Obtrusive Photonic Actons connecting to a common vortex centre. With the 12 Intuitive Obtrusive Photonic Acton nodules, it forms a General Will of Christ-based Infatuation, an Initial Intuitive Will, and a Primary Intuitive Will. From that structure, a Supervisory Will is created. The Intuitive Obtrusive Photon that used to be the Fundamental Freetone becomes that Supervisory Will. The Intuitive Obtrusive Photon itself has a Christ-based Infatuation Supervisory Will. Therefore, the Christ Photon has an Intuitive Obtrusive Photon Supervisory Will, and the Intuitive Obtrusive Photon Supervisory Will has a Christ-based Infatuation Supervisory Will. They are complementary and supportive. 



In simplicity, the word Tecton means builder. Tectonics is the Art and Science of building. In Geometrical Thought Harmonics, a Tecton is an Icosahedron, and it represents WILL. TECTONS - Transient Expression Connecting Thought Obverted Neighboural Synapses. ACTONS - Active and Concealed Tectonics Orchestrated Necromantic Synopses, are products of Icosahedrons or Tectons. In general, not necessarily to do with nerve cells, Synapse means conjunction, or to fasten together. In general, Synopsis means an overview or short summary. In light of that information, an ACTON is an overview, or outline of Wishes or Desires set forth for building purposes. In essence, WILL means Wish Instructed Latent Living, which is Wish Instructed Potential of Life. WILL is a builder, an expression of Wishes or Desires. It is a Physically and Mentally Creative expression of Motive, Personal Thought, or Consciousness. Therefore, Icosahedrons of WILL are the builders of Consciousness. They are Extradimensional, with Dimensional and Interdimensional Shadows and Reflections. Black Holes and White Holes are examples of those Shadows and Reflections. One is Justice-based and the latter is Intuition-based. Both are Impressions of Mental and Physical Desire. 



In essence, Sentient means to have Sense and Feeling. Therefore, it labels, recognises, and recalls Memory through Sense. It also expresses what has been Suggestively taken on board and built upon through Feeling, which Suggests how an Entity may Behave. 
PLASMA means Polymeric Lattice Actively Simulating Mass Aggregation. Poly means many, and 'meric' means parts. A Lattice is a Matrix. As acronyms, POLY means Potential Of Life Yield, and MERIC means Maximised Entity Regulation In Contrast. 
SPACE is Sentient Plasma Attributing Conjugated Entities. SPIRIT is Sentient Plasma Initiating/Instigating Radiant Intuitive Thought. Spirit is Desire. Intuition is impressed by Desired Awareness, and WILL is an expression of Desire. Intuition is also a Motive-regulated expression of Nature - a Conscious expression of Attitudinal Behaviour - the Attitudinal Behaviour of Consciousness. 
In general, and in context with the Dream of Life, the Lattice or Matrix in question is a product of conjugated Octahedrons of Nature and Tetrahedrons of Common Sense. As that Matrix expands, it creates the Icosahedrons of WILL within the Octahedrons of Nature. To be more precise, it creates two interconnecting Icosahedrons within the Octahedron, which forms an Intellect-based WILL Agreement. Therefore, Consciousness evolved from the Initial Nature or Attitudinal Behaviour of Mind. In essence, an Octahedron of Nature is an Attitudinal expression of Feeling. Attitude is Intellect-based Sense. Therefore, Nature is a Sensory expression of Feeling - Sentient. DIVINITY - Direct Intuition Via Initial Nature In Total Yield. This is a link to the PDF: Fibonacci Sequences gallery/Fibonacci sequences2.pdf


Pixels of Life

In simplicity, Pixels are Picture Elements that form a Matrix or Lattice. They can be dots, Squares, or other shapes. If we use the Geometrical Thought Harmonics Matrix, it would have Squares and Equilateral Triangles. Squares represent Intellect, which is Receptive and Constructive Thought, and Equilateral Triangles represent the Creative Thought of Imagination. The Equilateral Triangles would create centre-point Hexagons of Awareness, Tetrahedrons of Common Sense, and Square-based Pyramids of Attitude. The Squares would create expressions of Emotional Intelligence, which is Feeling.
Cubes are products of Equilateral Triangles of Imagination and Squares of Intellect. However, the essence of the Matrix is a product of Points that represent Thoughts. Thought is a response to or an Opinion of an environment. If we continually connect Tetrahedron Pyramids to Octahedrons, it creates the Matrix of Sentient Plasma - the Pixels of Life - the Dream, which is Mind.  
In essence, Life is a Visualisation of Thoughts - a Matrix of Opinions - a Virtualised Environmental Construct of Mind - an Interactive Visualisation of Conscious Thought. 


This is the Caretaker Complex.