BODY stands for Being Of Direct Yield. BEING stands for Brain Expressed Intelligent Natural Guise. BRAIN stands for Body Related Active Intelligent Nemesis. In this regard, Nemesis is cause and effect. 
Body is a reflection of Mind, or a reflection of a state of Mind. Mind is an accumulation and categorisation of Thoughts. It is a Logical construct Suggested by Feeling, which is an expression of Emotional/Suggestive Intellect.
Instinct is Personalised Common Logic, which is created by Common Sense Agreements. It is a Virtual Brain. The innate Potential of Instinct forms a Virtual Brain-mind, which consists of Will, Intuition, Personal Conscience, Social or Environmental Conscience, and Language and Species Differentiation. It is a Personalised Common Logical construct Suggested by the Personalised Attitudinal Behaviour of Intuition. Therefore, in this Personal Reality, Body is a reflection of an Instinctual Mind. 
Why does the Body need to be sustained by consuming different forms of Energy? Everything is created from Atoms, which are Energy. Thought is Energy. Therefore, the Body is an accumulation of Thoughts or Energy.
What if the Body could be Self-sustained? Why isn't it already Self-sustained? If DNA constructs the Body, why doesn't it sustain the Body?
Could Porphyrin evolution make the Body self-sustaining? 
BLOOD stands for Body Logic Of Omniscient Development. Heme is the Porphyrin within Haemoglobin. It is a Subconscious Intellect Agreement programmed by Motive or Personal Agenda. Intellect is Receptive and Constructive Thought. It takes on board and builds upon concepts. Therefore, Heme is an Agreement that takes on board and builds upon Motivational programs. Without Blood, the Brain does not function. 
A basic Porphyrin is Intellect-based Motivation, or Motive-produced Intellect. It does not form an Intellect Agreement, and is not programmed. It is Receptive and Constructive Thought, and therefore, it takes on board and builds upon concepts. This means, a basic Porphyrin takes on board and builds upon Personal Thoughts or Personal Agenda. 
Logic is encapsulated Intellect. It is a Library Of Growing Intelligent Concepts, which is Memory. Mind is a Logical construct initiated or Suggested by Feeling, which is an expression of Emotional/Suggestive Intellect. It is an accumulation and categorisation of Thoughts, which is Memory. 
"Body is a reflection of Mind". It reflects Behavioural Logic. If Thoughts of Fear accumulate within the Mind, Body will reflect those Thoughts.
FEAR stands for Form Experienced/Expressed Amnesia Reaction. It is a product of limited Awareness and restricted Information. A Belief-mind, which is partitioned by the interactive Personal Thought of Belief, can create a WILL that is impressed and expressed by Desires of Belief-interactive Motive Logic Interpretations and Applications. Within the Virtual Brain-mind, which is the Instinctual Mind, FEAR can be a product of Personal Conscience and Language and Species Differentiation. 
If Body is a reflection of Mind, disharmonious Thoughts would manifest a disharmonious Body. Rigid Thinking would manifest rigidity in the Body. Confused Thoughts would manifest confusion in the Body. Dissociative Thoughts would manifest Dissociation in the Body. A partitioned Mind would manifest a partitioned Body, or, regarding the Universal Mind, partitioned Bodies. 

Instinct, or the Virtual Brain, is a Motive-based or personalised product of Common Sense Agreements, which creates a Motive-based or Personalised Common Logic. DNA is a product of Pentagons of Motive, which is Personal Thought or Personal Agenda, Hexagons of Unconditional acceptance or Love, which creates programs or reflex responses, and Tetrahedron pyramids of Common Sense. The Tetrahedron pyramids of Common Sense are connected to Pentagons of Motive by a point. Therefore, the backbone of DNA is created by Common Sense that is linked to Motive or Personal agenda.  
The rungs of DNA are formed by Pentagons of Motive connected by an edge to Hexagons of Unconditional acceptance or Love, and Hexagons of Unconditional acceptance or Love connected by a point to Pentagons of Motive or Personal Agenda. Therefore, the Pentagons connected by an edge to Hexagons form Subconscious programs or reflex responses, which are Personally programmed. The Hexagons connected by a point to Pentagons form Unconscious or Impersonal programs linked to Motive or Personal agenda. 


Personality is a Personal Reality. It is Identified Attitudinal Behaviour. Identity is an interaction of Intellect, Motive, and Belief. It takes on board and Personalises concepts through Intellectual Preferentiality.
Attitude is the position a Body takes in relation to an environment. Behaviour is an expression of Emotional/Suggestive Intelligence. When we Identify with an Attitudinal Behaviour, we choose to take on board, Personalise, and express that Emotional/Suggestive Intelligence through the Body. 
Environment is a term used for circumstantial surroundings. However, the same environment can be perceived quite differently by detached Thinkers. What is a detached Thinker? Any Personality who is not grounded or attracted to an environment, would be considered as detached from that environment. Therefore, an ungrounded Personality would respond to the environment in a different manner to a Personality who was attracted to the environment. Intellectual Preferentiality would determine the response. 



Virtuality is Virtual Reality, which is a Personalised product of an Awareness-mind. It is based upon or initiated by a Motive-based product of Awareness-based Feeling or Respect in the form of Instinctual Respect, and progresses to a Motive-based product of Awareness-polarised Emotional Logic Agreements of Tolerance to form Christ-mind Assimilation or Integration, which in combination becomes a product of Respect-based Tolerance to form Instinctual Respect-based Integration. It then progresses to a Motive-based product of Love-interactive Practical Creative Logic Applications to form Social or Environmental Conscience. Finally, it progresses to a Motive-based product of Practical Awareness Logic, which is an Awareness-polarised Agreement of Practical Creative Logic Applications, to form Virtuality or Virtual Reality. However, Virtuality is also a product of Instinct, which is a personalised product of Common Logic. Therefore, Virtual Reality is a product of personalised Awareness-polarised Agreements of Practical Creative Logic Applications, and personalised Common Logic Applications; an Instinctual Awareness Logic Reality and an Instinctual Common Logic Reality. 

In essence, Virtuality is a product of Awareness-based Consciousness. Awareness is a Sensory Singularity, which is a Love-based Sense Agreement; a Conclusive Agreement of focused Creative Thought or Imagination. When Synchronised, Virtuality forms a Mutual Respect-based Commonality Mind. 



Actuality is Actual Reality, which is the product of a Belief-mind. It is based upon or initiated by a product of the Belief-based Feeling of Trust in the form of Faith. Faith is also Will-based. Therefore, Faith becomes a product of Trust-based Will. It progresses to a product of the Belief-polarised Emotional Logic Agreements of Affirmation to form Metamorphosis, which in combination becomes a product of Trust-based Affirmations to form Faith-based Metamorphosis. It then progresses to a product of Belief-interactive Motive-polarised Mental Logic Interpretations to form Personal Conscience. Next, it progresses to a product of Belief-polarised Mental Logic Interpretations to form Habit or Comfort Conscience. Language and Species Differentiation is manifested next, which is a product of Belief-interactive Practical Motive Logic Applications. Finally, it progresses to a product of Practical Belief Logic Applications to form Actuality or Actual Reality.

In essence, Actuality is a product of Belief-based Consciousness. Belief is a declaration of personal preference or Choice. When Identified, Actuality forms a Personality-based Individuality Mind. 



What determines Fitness? What is Fitness? 

In dictionary terms, 'fitness' can be defined as being Physically fit and healthy; being suitable to achieve a particular task; the ability to survive and reproduce in a particular environment.

Physical exercise and correct diet has been associated with or accepted as a determining factor for good health and well being. However, it isn't necessarily what we eat or what we do that determines good health and well being. It is how or what we Think that determines what we eat and what we do, and therefore, Thought, or the quality thereof, is the determining factor for good health and well being. "Healthy Mind, healthy Body".

It wouldn't matter how good our diet was, or how good our exercise regime was, if our Thoughts were plagued with doubt, fear, depression, anger, and insecurity, the Body would eventually reflect those discordant Thoughts. Thought is Energy! Discordant Thought = discordant Energy. Body is a reflection of Mind. 



Health is a state or condition of Mind. Good Health is a product of Vibrational Accord, which is Harmonious Thought or Harmonious Energy. Bad Health is a product of Vibrational discord, which is Disharmonious Thought or Disharmonious Energy.

Harmony is a Synchronicity-polarised Emotional Intellect Agreement, Synchronicity-polarised Emotional Logic, which is Synchronised or Mutual Tolerance.

Tolerance is an Awareness-polarised Emotional Intellect Agreement, which is Awareness-polarised Emotional Logic. Awareness is a Conclusive Agreement of focused Creative Thought, which is an Unconditional Sense Agreement. 

Integration is a Motive-based or Personalised product of Tolerance. Intuitive Integration is a Motive-based or Personalised product of Tolerant Nature Agreements.

Nature is Attitudinal Behaviour, which is an Attitudinal expression of Emotional Intelligence. Therefore, Intuitive Integration is a Personalised product of Awareness-polarised Attitudinal Behavioural Logic Agreements. It is a function of the Virtuality Mind, or Virtual Reality Mind, which is a Motive-based or Personalised Awareness Mind.

When Synchronised, Intuitive Integration forms a product of Harmony Awareness Nature Agreements, which is an Attitudinal expression of the Emotional Logic of Self-awareness. It becomes a Personalised product of Synchronised Attitudinal Behavioural Logic Agreements. 

Tolerance is allowance. Harmony is Synchronised or Mutual allowance. They are both Suggestive Intellect Agreements. Intellect is receptive and constructive Thought. It takes on board and builds upon concepts. Thought is Energy.

Nature is an Attitudinal expression of Feeling. Attitude is the position a Body takes in relation to an environment. If we are exposed to an Energy or Thought that is not Tolerated by our present state of Mind, discordant Feelings can occur. If that discord is taken on board and built upon through the Suggestive Intelligence of Feeling, Body can manifest that discord in some form or another. Also, our experiences within Life can be influenced by discordant Feelings. 

In conclusion, Health is determined by how well we adapt to an environment, or to environmental changes. Environment is what we are exposed to at any given time. It is Circumstantial surroundings. 


Personal Responsibility

Body is a reflection of Mind. "As we Think, we shall become". Therefore, our Personal Reality is our responsibility. However, how many of us have accepted that responsibility? We usually hand over that responsibility to doctors, pharmaceutical companies, psychiatrists, dieticians, and a plethora of mainstream and alternate healing modalities or therapies. Therefore, our state of health is being managed by nearly everyone else but ourselves. 

Why have we created so many long-term crutches? They should only be for the short-term, until we are capable of supporting ourselves. However, some have such low self-esteem that relying on external support becomes the norm. Also, in this day and age, the economy would probably crash if everyone took responsibility for their own state of health. Such is the ideal that we have chosen to propagate. 



Within the Mind, what is Visualisation? Is it Imagination? What is Concentration? Is it focused Thought? What is Realisation? Is it the end result of Concentrated or focused Imagination?

Focused or Concentrated Imagination is Sense, which labels, recognises, and recalls Memory. Therefore, is Visualisation-Concentration-Realisation a Sensory Realisation? Is Virtuality, or Virtual Reality, a Sensory Realisation? 

Virtuality is Awareness-based, a programmed Agreement of focused Imagination, which is a programmed Sense Agreement. It is also a Personalised product of Common Sense Agreements, or Common Logic Applications....Instinctual Applications. As a characteristic of Mind, Virtuality is a programmed Agreement of Creative Logic Applications and Common Logic Applications, Suggested by the Personalised Counsel of Respectful Self-awareness, which is Instinctually Respectful and Compassionate.......a Motive-based product of Self-respect. In essence, Virtuality is an Altruistic Personalisation of Creative Logic and Common Logic Applications. 

The Virtuality-mind, or Virtual Reality-mind, is a Personalised product of the Counsel of Respectful Self-awareness....Counsel of Self-respect, the Tolerant Nature Agreements of Intuitive Integration, the programmed Experience-based or Interactive Creative Logic of Social or Environmental Conscience, and the Awareness Logic and Common Logic Applications of Altruistic Instinctual Virtuality. 

The Dream of Life, as a Virtual Reality, is a Virtualised Environmental construct of Mind. It would be a Motive-based Common Sensory expression of the Awareness-based Feeling of Respect. Feeling Suggests Behaviour. Therefore, it would be a Motive-based or Personalised Common Sensory expression of Awareness-based Behaviour. 



TIME is the process of Thought to Expression...Thought-Intention-Motivation-Expression. Thought is an Opinion. Intention is an Agenda. Motivation is Conscious Intention. Therefore, TIME is an Expression of Conscious Intention. 


Actual Reality

Actual Reality is a Belief-based Sensory Realisation, which is regulated by the Experience-based Motivation of Preferentiality or Choice. The Actuality-mind, or Actual Reality-mind, is a product of the Trust-based Wilful Self-awareness of Compassionate Faith, the Affirmative Nature Agreements of Intuitive Metamorphosis, the Experience-based Mental Motive Logic Interpretations of Personal Conscience, the Mental Belief Logic Interpretations of Habit or Comfort Conscience, the Experience-based Practical Motive Logic Applications of Language and Species Differentiation, and the Practical Belief Logic Applications of Actuality. 

The Dream of Life, as an Actual Reality, is a Preferential or Chosen construct of Mind. In essence, it is an expression of the Motive-based Sense of Desire, which is WILL, and the Belief-based expression of Feeling, which is Trust. Feeling, as an expression of Emotional Intelligence, Suggests Behaviour. Therefore, Trust Suggests Belief-based or Preferential Behaviour. 

Faith is a product of Trust-based Will. Therefore, an Actual Reality is an expression of Faith....a Desired or Motive-based Sensory expression of Belief-based or Preferential Behaviour. 


Virtuality became Actuality and imprisoned the Mind

How did Actuality imprison the Mind? If we accept that Virtuality, as a characteristic of Mind, is the Dream of Life, and we are the Dreamers, if the Dream is Believed to be our normal or Actual environment, we as Personalities of Mind could become governed by or grounded within a Self-perpetuating Environmental Dreamscape. 

As previously stated, Belief is Preferentiality or Choice...experience-based Motivation. Therefore, the more we experience the Dream Environment, the deeper we could become embedded within that Environment. Eventually, Mind could become a Self-perpetuating Labyrinth that leads the Personalities of Mind through endless corridors or constructs of Intellectual Preferentiality.

Trust is a Behavioural expression of Intellectual Preferentiality. Affirmation is an Emotional or Suggestive Agreement of Intellectual Preferentiality....Emotional Logic of Preferentiality. Faith is a product of the Intellectual Preferential Behaviour of Trust, and Metamorphosis is a product of the Intellectual Preferential Emotional Logic of Affirmations.

Feeling, as an expression of Emotional Intelligence, Suggests Behaviour. Intellect, as Receptive and Constructive Thought, takes on board and builds upon concepts. Attitude, as an Intellect-based Sense, is the position a Body takes in relation to an environment.

Personality is an experience-based Attitudinally expressed Behaviour of Intellectual Preferentiality. Therefore, Personality is the position a Body takes in relation to how it Feels about its experiences within a Self-perpetuating Environmental Dreamscape of Intellectual Preferentiality. 

What if Personality, or Personal Reality, creates the Labyrinth of Mind? The more Personalities, or Personal Realities, the more complex the Labyrinth could become. If Personalities create partitions within the Mind, and those partitioned Personal Realities are disconnected through ignorance of their origin and Potential, a state of confusion, competition, and conflict could ensue. Mind could become an exponentially partitioned Matrix of Intellectually Preferred Realities.


Experiential Traits of Mind

In Geometrical Thought Harmonics, Experiential or Experience-based Traits of Mind are represented as two or more overlapping or interactive Polygons that form a product of that interaction.
Two interactive Equilateral Triangles of Imagination would form a Hexagram, which would represent Love-interactive Creative Thought or Imagination...programmed, reflex responsive, impulsive, and Experiential Imagination. A Hexagon of Love represents Unconditional Acceptance, which creates programmed, reflex responsive, or impulsive Thought.
Two interactive Squares of Intellect would form an external Octagon of Morality, which is the interactive Intelligence of Experiential Judgement.
Two interactive Pentagons of Motive, Personal Thought, or Consciousness, would represent Belief...a declaration of Personal Preference or Choice, which is the Experiential Motivation/Personal Thought/Consciousness of Preferentiality. Therefore, Love, Morality, and Belief are Experiential or Experience-based Traits of Mind. Love is Creative, Morality is Intellectual, and Belief is Motivational.  
Experience is attributed to interaction, which allows a Trait of Mind to influence and be influenced by an environment. Therefore, Love, Morality, and Belief can influence and be influenced by an environmental construct.


Experience-based Consciousness

Belief is a declaration of Personal Preference or Choice.......preferentiality. It is Experience-based Motivation/Personal Thought/Consciousness. How important is Experience-based Consciousness?

Experience can be Emotional/Suggestive/Hypothetical, Mental/Detailed/Theoretical, or Physical/Experimental/Practical. Experience-based Consciousness, which leads to Belief, can be triggered by manufactured stories. Not just factual or observed events. Whether they are factual or manufactured stories handed down through generations, factual or manufactured stories written in books or produced for Television and Film, they could all induce Experience-based Consciousness, which is Belief or Choice. Therefore, Emotional, Mental, and Practical Choices/Preferentiality could be influenced by those stories. In the same regard, Emotional, Mental, and Physical Health could be influenced by our responses to those stories. 

In essence, Environment means recognised, experienced, or realised surroundings, circumstances, or conditions, which can be factual or manufactured. Therefore, our Emotional, Mental, and Physical Health could be determined or influenced by what type of environment we Choose to embrace or experience. How we evolve could be determined or influenced by the same means.

Evolution is adaptation to an environmental construct......virtual, or actual. 


Spheres of Light

In the Dream of Mind, a Sphere represents a field of Thought. Thought is opinion or energy. LIGHT, as an acronym, is Love In Glowing Heavenly Thought. LOVE is Unconditional Acceptance, which creates programmed, reflex responsive, or Impulsive Thought. It is Experiential Creative Thought/Experiential Creative Opinion/Experiential Creative Energy/Experiential Imagination.

HEAVEN, as an acronym, stands for Highly Evolved And Vehemently Expressed Nuptials. Nuptials are an act or process of bonding. Therefore, Light, in general, represents programmed, reflex responsive, or Impulsive Creative Thought/Impulsive Creative Energy/Impulsive Creative Opinion/Impulsive Imagination in an expanding and evolving state of connection, which forms a Mind/Dream of Pure Potential....a Virtualised Environmental construct.  


Sentient Plasma

Sentient refers to Sense and Feeling, or Sensory Feeling...the Attitudinal Behaviour of Nature. PLASMA is an acronym for Polymeric Lattice Actively Simulating Mass Aggregation. POLYMERIC, in dictionary terms, means 'many parts'. It is an acronym for Potential Of Life Yield - Maximised Entity Regulation In Contrast. In the Mind, a lattice is a Matrix. Therefore, Polymeric Lattice, in dictionary terms, would refer to a Matrix of many parts. In the Mind, it would refer to a Matrix of Contrasting Thought-forms/Energy-forms/Opinions....a Matrix of contrasting accumulation and categorisation of Thoughts...a Mind.

'Actively Simulating Mass Aggregation' would refer to Virtuality, or Virtual Reality. Therefore, Sentient Plasma would refer to a Virtualised Environmental construct of MIND....Mediative Instructional Nature Delegation....a DREAM...Direct Response Expressed Attitude Manipulation. Nature is an Attitudinal expression of Feeling. An Attitudinal expression of Emotional/Suggestive Intelligence. Attitude is the position a Body takes in relation to an environment. 



SPACE is an acronym for Sentient Plasma Attributing Conjugated Entities. Sentient Plasma is a Dream of Mind. Entities are seemingly independent Bodies. Therefore, SPACE is a Dreamscape/Mindscape of seemingly independent Bodies. 


Characteristics of Light

Colour represents and defines a characteristic of Light. In the Dream of Mind, White Light would be Unified or undifferentiated Impulsive or Experiential Imagination in an expanding state of connection. In relation to that statement, Colour would be differentiated or purposed Impulsive or Experiential Imagination in an expanding and evolving state of connection.

The colour an entity reflects represents the Experiential Imagination it embodies. In other words, how it interacts with an environment will determine the characteristic it reflects. Would White Light interact with a differentiated or characterised environment? 

Interaction, or experience, allows an Entity to influence and be influenced by an environment. However, does that mean it will, or just that it can? If we accept that Light is a generalisation, rather than a determination, the terms Light and White Light probably refer to the same thing. Or do they?

On a clear day, the air does not look white. However, on a dull or cloudy day, when the sunlight shines through an opening in the clouds, it looks white.

Space without Stars has no Light. Therefore, do the Stars represent Sentient Plasma and the Dream of Mind? The medium that the Stars manifest from or within would be Pure Potential, an infinite source of possibilities, which is Thought. Is Pure Potential/Thought/Opinion/Energy a Sentient Plasma? 

"From the darkness, comes the Light". "The Unconscious becoming Conscious". "The impersonal becoming Personal". "An infinite source of possibilities becoming an infinite display of probabilities". "From Thought/Opinion/Energy to Intent/Design/Purpose".



If Pure Potential is Energy, and everything is a manifestation of Energy, the Dream of Mind could be a continuous state of flux. Is that flux innate? Or, does 'Energy by Design' create the flux? Energy by Design would be Purposed Energy or Intentional Thought. 

How would Pure Potential become purposed or Intentional? If Pure Potential/Thought/Opinion/Energy is a Sentient Plasma, it could be loosely defined as a Self-perpetuating Dream. In other words, it could be a Creative Intelligence becoming Aware of infinite possibilities of SELF through an innate virtualisation, or virtualised environmental construct...Mindstates/Mindscapes, Dreamstates/Dreamscapes.

Consciousness could be defined as infinite possibilities of SELF becoming Identified Attitudinal Behaviours, which are Personalities/Personal Realities of the Mind/Dream. 



Consciousness means a state or condition of being Conscious. In Geometrical Thought Harmonics, a Pentagon represents Motive or Personal Thought. Motive or Personal Thought is the essence of Consciousness. However, Consciousness means a state or condition of Motive/Personal Thought/Personal Opinion/Personal Energy/Personal Potential. 

In Geometrical Thought Harmonics, a Dodecahedron represents Instinct. It is Motive-based Common Logic, which is a Common Sense Agreement. Physically, or externally, it has all Pentagon facets, which represent Motive or Personal Thought. Therefore, it would purely represent a Physical/Experimental/Practical state or condition of Motivation, Personal Thought, or Consciousness.

Internally, or Mentally, it has Pentagons of Motive or Personal Thought, Equilateral Triangles of Creative Thought or Imagination, which form Tetrahedron Pyramids of Common Sense, and Squares of Intellect or Receptive and Constructive Thought, which form Cubes of Common Logic. Therefore, it would represent a Mental/Detailed/Theoretical state or condition of Creative Intelligent Consciousness. Overall, Instinct would be a Physical or Practical state or condition of Consciousness Detailed by a Mental state or condition of Creative Intelligent Consciousness.

In Geometrical Thought Harmonics, an Icosahedron represents WILL, which is an expression of Desire. Physically, or externally, it has all Equilateral Triangle facets, which represent Creative Thought or Imagination. Therefore, it would purely represent a Physical/Experimental/Practical state or condition of Creative Thought or Imagination. The Equilateral Triangle factes are the sides of Pentagon-based Pyramids, which represent the Motive-based Sense of Desire....a Personal Sense.

Internally, or Mentally, it has Pentagon facets of Motive or Personal Thought, and Equilateral Triangle facets of Creative Thought or Imagination. The Pentagon facets are the bases of the Pentagon-based Pyramids of Desire. Therefore, it would represent a Mental/Detailed/Theoretical state or condition of Creative Consciousness. Overall, WILL would be a Physically and Mentally expressed state or condition of Creatively focused Consciousness....a Mental and Physical expression of Desire, which is Creatively focused Consciousness.....Creatively focused Personal Potential.


Dimensional Consciousness

A Dimension is a measure, scope, or extent of something. Therefore, Dimensional Consciousness could relate to the measure, scope, or extent of a state or condition of Personal Potential. This could relate to an individual, group, mass, planetary, galactic, or Universal Consciousness. If this is correct, all Beings from a Planet, Galaxy, or Universe could share a similar Potential if their general ways of Thinking were similar. 

If Consciousness is Personal, what does that mean? In the Mind, Personal Potential could mean Potential that reflects the Motives and Beliefs of an entity. Therefore, a group of entities with similar Motives and Beliefs could share a similar Potential.

Beliefs or Choices are products of Experiential Consciousness. Therefore, they have developed from Personal interactions with an environment. 

In essence, Consciousness is a state or condition of Motive-based or Personal Potential. However, it also involves Imagination, Intellect, and derivatives of Imagination and Intellect e.g. Love, which is a product of programmed, reflex responsive, or impulsive experiential Imagination, Synchronicity, which is a product of programmed, reflex responsive, or impulsive experiential Imagination and experiential Intelligence, and Morality, or experiential judgement, which is a product of experiential Intelligence. Those Traits, plus all other Traits of Mind, can become Motive-based or Personalised. Therefore, Personal Potential can influence all Traits of Mind, and also be influenced by those Traits of Mind e.g. Creative Consciousness, Programmed, reflex responsive, or impulsive Consciousness, Intelligent Consciousness, Moral Consciousness, Synchronised Creative and Intelligent Consciousness, Identified Intelligent Consciousness, etc. etc.

All Motive-based spheres of Thought are Conscious. Motive-based Self-awareness creates Compassion, which is a product of Self-awareness-based Consciousness. Motive-based Reason creates Justice, which is a product of Reason-based Consciousness. Motive-based Common Logic, or Common Sense Agreements, creates Instinct, which is a product of Common Sense-based Consciousness. Motive-based Nature and Awareness creates Intuition, which is a product of Nature-based and Awareness-based Consciousness.


Regulative and Protective Consciousness

If Body is a reflection of Mind, and the Body has a Security or Immune system, would it be presumptuous to infer that Mind also has a security system?

VIRUS is an acronym for Voice Initiated Reprogramming and Unification System. Are Thought Viruses meant to be regulative, rather than harmful?

Many Viruses have Icosahedral capsids. An Icosahedron represents WILL, which is an expression of expression of Creatively focused Personal expression of Creatively focused Consciousness. 

Justice is a product of Reason-based Consciousness, impressed by Desire...impressed by Creatively focused Consciousness. It is essentially regulative.

Are Viruses reflections of Justice? If they are, what do Immune systems reflect? Do Immune systems reflect rebellion against regulation? Do they attempt to retain and maintain the status quo within Personal Realities? Are Viruses attempting to regulate a discordant or redundant status quo? Is an Immune system attempting to protect the status quo from those regulations?

Are Black Holes reflections of Justice within Dimensional Consciousness? Are they simply regulating a discordant or redundant status quo? 

Justice has two complementary functions. One is Accrual, and the other is Terminal Emulation. Accrual is an impression of Physical Desire and Terminal Emulation is an impression of Mental Desire, which is Interpretative.

Intuition is also an impression of Physical and Mental Desires. However, they are rotational opposites to the Desires of Justice. When Justice and Intuition are combined, which forms Intuitive Justice, Social Justice, or Karmic Justice, the Physical and Mental Desires become impressions of Creatively focused experiential preferentiality, which is Belief-interactive. 

Justice is a product of Motive-based Reason. Intuition is a product and expression of the Attitudinal Behaviour of Nature. When combined, they become a product of Empathy, which is the Nature of Reason. 

Reason can become an expression of Common Sense Agreements, which is Common Logic-based Reason. It creates a Memory-expressed Awareness of Reason. When the Memory-expressed Awareness of Reason is Motive-based, it forms Instinctual Justice, which makes Memory-related regulations. Do Memory-related regulations protect the status quo? Are Immune systems reflections of Instinctual Justice? If so, they would be reflections of Regulative and Protective Consciousness. 


Navigational Consciousness

To 'navigate', means to operate or control the course of an entity; to guide or influence the Attitudinal behaviour of an entity. Consciousness is a state or condition of Personal Thought, Personal opinion, Personal energy, or Personal Potential. Therefore, Navigational Consciousness would be a state or condition of Personal Thought, Personal opinion, Personal energy, or Personal Potential, purposed for guidance.

Intuition is Suggested by Awareness, Belief, and Intelligence. Awareness is an unconditionally accepted, programmed, reflex responsive, or Impulsive Sense Agreement, which is an unconditionally accepted, programmed, reflex responsive, or impulsive Agreement of focused Imagination. Belief is a declaration of personal preference or Choice, which is the Experiential Motivation, Personal Thought, Personal opinion, Personal energy, or Personal Potential of Preferentiality. Intellect is receptive and constructive Thought, which takes on board and builds upon concepts.

Intuitive Awareness is impressed by Creatively focused Personal Thought, Personal opinion, Personal energy, Personal Potential, or Consciousness, which creates Desired Awareness. Intuitive Intelligence is expressed by Creatively focused Intellect or Attitude, which creates the Attitudinal Feeling or Behaviour of Nature. Attitude is the position a Body takes in relation to an environment. Feeling is an expression of Emotional/Suggestive Intelligence. Therefore, Attitudinal Behaviour, or Nature, is the position a Body takes in relation to how it Feels about the Self, about an environment, or about the experiences it has within an environment. Intuitive Belief is Experiential or Experience-based Motivational Preferentiality.

Is Intuition the Navigational Consciousness in question? 


Intuitive Justice; Social Justice; Karma

If Intuition is Navigational Consciousness, what is Intuitive Justice, Social Justice, or Karma?

The acronym of KARMA is Kinetic Attitude Response Manifested Accordingly. Justice is Regulative Consciousness. It is Motive-based Reason, which is Reason-based Consciousness. Therefore, Intuitive Justice would be Regulative and Navigational Consciousness. It is Motive-based Empathy, which is the Motive-based Nature of Reason. 


Karmic Brain

Instinct is a Motive-based product of Common Sensory Logic, a product of Common Sense-based Consciousness, which has been labelled as the Virtual BRAIN....Body Related Active Intelligent Nemesis. In this regard, Nemesis means cause and effect.

When Instinct expresses the Common Sensory Awareness of Justice, and Intuition expresses the Attitudinal Behaviour of Justice, a combination of the three would create a Karmic Brain.....a product of Regulative, Protective, and Navigational Consciousness.



The acronym of STAR stands for Self Teaching And Rejuvenation. The word Intuition, in modern terms, can mean 'inner teaching'...teaching from within. In archaic terms, it can mean 'guardianship' and guidance.

Rejuvenation is to make something like new restore something to a previous state. This would need memory of that previous state for restoration. It could also be labelled as regulation, rectification, amendment, or revision. 

Sense, which is focused Creative Thought or Imagination, labels, recognises, and recalls memory. LOGIC is a Library Of Growing Intelligent Concepts, which is an accumulation and categorisation of Thoughts.

Instinct is Motive-based Common Logic, which is a product of Common Sense Agreements.....a Personalised Common Sensory Library. Intuition is impressed by Motive-based Sense, which is Desire. It is expressed as Personalised Attitudinal Behaviour, which is a Motive-based Intellect-based Sensory expression of Emotional Intelligence or Feeling.

Could Stars be reflections of a Karmic Brain.....creative, impulsive, aware, receptive and constructive, regulative, protective, navigational, and preferential or experiential Consciousness? 


Libraries of Mind

Logic is a Library Of Growing Intelligent Concepts. Common Logic is a Common Sensory Library. Instinct is a Motive-based Common Sensory Library of Consciousness.....a shared Library for Common Logic Realities. Consciousness is a state or condition of Personal Thought, Personal Opinion, Personal Energy, or Personal Potential.

Libraries of Consciousness partition the Mind. They are Logical partitions that can house virtual operating systems. There are Creative Libraries, Common Sensory Libraries, Programmed Experiential Creative Libraries, Awareness Libraries, Motivational Libraries, Belief Libraries, Belief-based Experiential Motivational Libraries, Moral Libraries, Moral-based Experiential Common Sensory Libraries, Synchronised Experiential Creative, Common Sensory, and Awareness Libraries, Identity Libraries, Identified Experiential Common Sensory Libraries, Identified Experiential Motivational Libraries, and many more.

There are Emotional/Suggestive/Hypothetical, Mental/Detailed/Theoretical, and Physical/Experimental/Practical Libraries.... Logic Agreements, Logic Interpretations, and Logic Applications. They can also be Unconscious or Impersonal, Subconscious or Personally programmed, and Conscious or Personal Libraries. 

Common Logic is a Common Sensory Logic Application, which is an Unconscious/Impersonal Physical/Experimental/Practical Library. Instinct is a Motive-based Common Sensory Logic Application, which is a Conscious/Personal Physical/Experimental/Practical Library. Personal Conscience is a Belief-based Experiential Motive Logic Interpretation, which is a Conscious/Personal Mental/Detailed/Theoretical Library. Social or Environmental Conscience is a Motive-based Programmed Experiential Creative Logic Application, which is a Subconscious/Personally programmed Physical/Experimental/Practical Library. Language and Species Differentiation is a Belief-based Experiential Motive Logic Application, which is a Conscious/Personal Physical/Experimental/Practical Library. Virtuality is a Motive-based Common Sensory Logic Application and a Motive-based Awareness Logic Application, which is a Subconscious/Personally programmed Physical/Experimental/Practical Library. Actuality is a Belief Logic Application, which is a Conscious/Personal Physical/Experimental/Practical Library. Self-awareness is a Common Emotional/Suggestive/Hypothetical Logic Agreement, which is an Unconscious/Impersonal Emotional/Suggestive/Hypothetical Library. Compassion is a Motive-based Common Emotional/Suggestive/Hypothetical Logic Agreement, which is a Subconscious/Personally programmed Emotional/Suggestive/Hypothetical Library. Metamorphosis is a product of Belief Logic Agreements, or Affirmations, which is a Conscious Emotional/Suggestive/Hypothetical Library. Integration is a product of Awareness Logic Agreements, or Tolerance, which is a Subconscious/Personally programmed Emotional/Suggestive/Hypothetical Library. Habit or Comfort Conscience is a product of Belief Logic Interpretations, which is a Conscious Mental/Detailed/Theoretical Library. 


Behavioural Logic; Behavioural Libraries

Feeling, which is an expression of Emotional/Suggestive Intelligence, Suggests Behaviour. LOGIC is a Library Of Growing Intelligent Concepts. Common Logic is Attitudinal Behavioural Logic....Natural Attitudinal Behavioural Library. Moral Logic is Experiential Attitudinal Behavioural Logic, initiated by Virtue, which is Moral-interactive Attitudinal Behaviour or Moral-interactive Nature. Therefore, Moral Logic is a Virtue-based Attitudinal Behavioural Library. Awareness Logic is Awareness-based Behavioural Logic. Awareness-based Behaviour is Respect. Therefore, Awareness Logic is Respect-based Behavioural Logic....a Respect-based Behavioural Library. Belief Logic is Belief-based Behavioural Logic, initiated by Trust, which is Belief-based Behaviour. Therefore, Belief Logic is Trust-based Behavioural Logic...a Trust-based Behavioural Library. Synchronicity Logic is Synchronicity-based Attitudinal Behavioural Logic, initiated by Mutual Respect, which is Synchronised Attitudinal Behaviour or Synchronised Nature. Therefore, Synchronicity Logic is a Mutual Respect-based Attitudinal Behavioural Library. Identity Logic is Identity-based Attitudinal Behavioural Logic, initiated by Personality, which is Identified Attitudinal Behaviour or Identified Nature. Therefore, Identity Logic is a Personality-based Attitudinal Behavioural Library.

Are Stars Behavioural Libraries of Mind?



The acronym of GALAXY is General Attitude Liaising Active X Yield. 'X' refers to variables of Potential. Therefore, GALAXY could refer to General Attitude Networking the kinetically expressed variables of Potential. 

It has been proposed that a White Hole is at the centre of a GALAXY. Is a White Hole a Karmic Brain....Kinetic Attitude Response Manifested In Contrast - Body Related Active Intelligent Nemesis?

It has been stated that Nemesis, in this regard, refers to 'cause and effect'. Is 'Attitude' the cause, and the 'kinetically expressed variables of Potential' the effect or result?

Attitude is the position a body takes in relation to an relation to circumstances, surroundings, or conditions. 'General Attitude Liaising Active X Yield' could relate to a network of overall or wide-ranging positions that a Body could, or Bodies could, take in relation to circumstances, surroundings, or conditions....a network of infinite possible Attitudinal expressions...a network of wide-ranging Attitudinal Behaviours or Natures. If this is correct, a White Hole at the centre of a Galaxy could determine a theme, or infinite possible themes, for those Attitudinal Behaviours or Natures. The 'theme' could determine the environmental construct.

The acronym of MIND is Mediative Instructional 'Nature' Delegation. The acronym of DREAM is Direct Response 'Expressed Attitude' Manipulation. The acronym of UNIVERSE was previously inferred to be United National Inverse Variables Expressively Registered Systematic Evolution. It could be United 'Natural' Inverse Variables Expressively Registered Systematic Evolution.

The acronym of NATURE is Normal 'Attitudinal' Thought Under Regulated 'Expression'. 


Virtual Brain-mind

Instinct is a Virtual Brain. Its Potential creates a Virtual Instinctual environmental construct...a Motive-based Common Logic Instinctual Dream. 

The core of a Virtual Brain-mind is WILL, which is an expression of expression of Creatively focused Consciousness. The essential structure of Instinct is Common Logic or Common Sense Agreements. A Common Sense Agreement is a Common Sense expression of Attitudinal Behaviour or Nature. Therefore, an essential component of Instinctual Potential is Motive-based Attitudinal Behaviour, which is Intuitive Nature.

In light of that statement, Instinct is a Common Sense expression of Intuitive Attitudinal Behaviour. It is Intuitive Behavioural Intuitive Behavioural Library...a Library of Personalised Attitudinal Behaviour, which is a Library of Motive-based Nature. 

Intuition is the Agreement created by the Common Sense Agreements of Instinct. There are two Creative Diversions to the Agreement of Intuition that are formed by the interactions of Common Sense. The first Creative Diversion is Personal Conscience, which is a product of Belief-interactive or Experiential Mental Motive Logic Interpretations. The next Creative Diversion is Social or Environmental Conscience, which is a Motive-based product of Programmed, Reflex Responsive, or Impulsive Experiential Creative Logic Applications. 

There is another structure, and it is formed by the Intellectual Motive-interpretations of Instinct's Common Logic. It is Language and Species Differentiation, which is a product of Belief-interactive or Experiential Practical Motive Logic Applications. It isn't a Creative Diversion to the Agreement of Intuition. It is a Motive-interpretation formed by the Intellect of Common Logic.

What is the purpose of a Diversion? The Motive-based Common Logic of Instinct is an expression of the Common Sense Agreements of Intuition. Before the Common Sense Agreements of Intuition create the Practical Common Logic Applications of Instinct, the Agreement is Diverted through Personal Conscience and Social or Environmental Conscience. Then, the Common Logic Applications form Motive-interpretations that produce the Belief-interactive or Experiential Practical Motive Logic Applications of Language and Species Differentiation. This is the basic infrastructure of a Motive-based Common Logic Instinctual Environmental construct....a Dream of Creative Intelligent Consciousness. 

Taking all of this information into account, a STAR could be a Virtual Brain-mind. The initiator of a Common Logical Dreamscape...a Virtualised Environmental construct. 


Language and Species Differentiation 

It has been stated that Language and Species Differentiation is a product of Belief-interactive or Experiential Practical Motive Logic Applications. Regarding Body, and apart from the obvious, what is its function?

Belief is a declaration of Personal Preference or Choice...preferentiality. It is Experiential Motivation, Personal Thought, Personal Opinion, Personal Energy, or Personal Potential. What would determine Differentiation?

BODY is a generalisation. The acronym of BODY stands for Being Of Direct Yield. The acronym of BEING stands for Brain Expressed Intelligent Natural Guise. The acronym of BRAIN stands for Body Related Active Intelligent Nemesis. 

In dictionary terms, differentiation can be defined as 'development from the one to the many, the simple to the complex'. Language can be defined as a constructive form of recognition as a means for communication within any simple or complex system. Species can be defined as a family of similarly attributed individual entities. Therefore, Language and Species Differentiation could be defined as many Thought-forms developing from, and as reflections of, a Mindstate or way of Thinking, or many Dream-bodies developing from, and as reflections of, a Dreamstate or Theme. It could also be defined as many Mindstates developing from, and as reflections of, One Mind, or many Dreamstates developing from, and as reflections of, One Dream. 

Taking into account that Language and Species Differentiation is an Experiential Practical Library of Applied Consciousness, the Virtual Brain-mind or Instinctual-mind would use that Library in the creation of a Common Logic Reality, or Virtualised Environmental construct....a Common Conscious Dream where the Individual entities of that Dream can experience Subconscious or Personally programmed Dreamstates. 



What is SELF? The acronym can stand for Sentient Expressed/Experienced Life Form; Sensory Expressed/Experienced Life Form; Soul Expressed/Experienced Life Form; Source Expressed/Experienced Life Form. 

Awareness is an Unconditionally accepted, programmed, reflex responsive, and Impulsive Impressed/Expressed Agreement of focused Imagination; a Love-based Sense Agreement; a Conclusive Agreement of focused Creative Thought; a Sensory Singularity. 

Self-awareness is a product of Emotional/Suggestive Awareness impressed by Common Sense and Attitude, and a product of Common Emotional/Suggestive Logic Agreements.....a product of Emotional/Suggestive Intellect Agreements. It is a Common Sensory and Attitudinal Singularity forming a Common Emotional/Suggestive Library Of Growing Intelligent Concepts. 


Conscious Self-awareness

Compassion is a Motive-based product of Self-awareness, which is Self-awareness-based Personal Thought, Personal Opinion, Personal Energy, Personal Potential, or Consciousness....a Personalised product of Self-awareness.

Conscious Self-awareness is Consciously Aware of SELF, or Aware of a Personal Self. When we have compassion for an entity, we sense an inwardly focused connection to that entity. We recognise that entity as a Personalised possibility of SELF. 


Interdimensional Self

Where does Consciousness go when we have sleep-related Dreams, or if we are in a coma? Are sleep-related Dreams Subconscious/Personally programmed Dreamstates? Is a Coma a consequence of accepting a Subconscious/Personally programmed Dreamstate as Preferential to a Conscious Dreamstate because of life-threatening or intolerable circumstances or conditions? Is it a coping mechanism in cases of severe bodily trauma? Does Conscious Self-awareness experience another possible Dimension of SELF-VIRTUALISATION? Could there be infinite possible dimensions of SELF-VIRTUALISATION within the awakening Mind or Dream of Pure Potential?

Programs are products of Experiential Imagination or Experiential Creative Thought. They are Impulses or reflex responses. Subconscious programs are Personalised products of Experiential Imagination or Experiential Creative Thought. They are Personalised or Personally programmed impulses or reflex responses. Therefore, Subconscious Dreamstates would be Personalised or Personally programmed impulsive or reflex responsive Virtualised Environmental constructs. In essence, they would be self-perpetuating. In this regard, what does that mean?

Intuitive Compassion is a Personalised or Personally programmed product of Attitudinally expressed Self-awareness, Virtuous Self-awareness or Virtue-awareness, which is a product of Moral-interactive or experiential Attitudinal Behaviour....Moral-interactive or experiential Nature.

Morality is a product of experiential Intelligence. Intellect is receptive and constructive Thought, which takes on board and builds upon concepts. Attitude is the position a Body takes in relation to an environment. Nature is an Attitudinal expression of Emotional Intelligence...Attitudinal Feeling, which Suggests Attitudinal Behaviour. It would be an Attitudinal or Physically Creative expression of what has been Suggestively taken on board and built upon. Moral-interactive Nature would be an experience-based Attitudinal or Physically Creative expression of what has been Suggestively taken on board and built upon.

Self-awareness is an Emotional/Suggestive Logic Agreement, or Library, of Common Sensory impressed and Attitudinally impressed Awareness. Therefore, Virtuous Self-awareness would be an experience-based Attitudinal or Physically Creative expression of that Emotional/Suggestive Logic Agreement, or Library, of Common Sensory impressed and Attitudinally impressed Awareness....a Self-awareness-based Moral-interactive or Experiential Nature Agreement. It represents Self-control....the Moral-interactive Nature of Self-awareness....Experiential Nature, or Moral-interactive Attitudinal Behaviour, of Self-awareness.

Intuitive Compassion would determine the Behaviour of a Body in relation to Conscious Self-awareness. It is Motive-based Self-control...Conscious or Personalised Self-control....Conscious or Personalised Moral-interactive Attitudinal Behaviour of Self-awareness.


Visualisation versus Virtualisation

When we Visualise something within the Mind, it is usually an impression of Suggestively Desired Awareness, which is a Subconscious or Personally programmed Emotional/Suggestive Agreement of Desire....a Subconscious or Personally programmed Emotional/Suggestive Agreement of Creatively focused Personal Thought, Personal Opinion, Personal Energy, Personal Potential, or Consciousness. 

Awareness is a Sensory Singularity, which can be Emotional/Suggestive, Mental/Detailed, or Physical/Practical. Intuitive Awareness is a product of Subconscious or Personally programmed Emotional/Suggestive Agreements of Creatively focused Consciousness, which is the Personal Sense of Desire. Therefore, according to that information, Visualisation appears to be a product of Intuitive Awareness...a Subconscious or Personally programmed Sensory Singularity Suggested by impressions of Desire. 

Intuition is also a Motive-based or Personalised product of Attitudinal Feeling or Behaviour, which is Personalised Nature. Attitude is the position a Body takes in relation to an environment. Feeling is an expression of Emotional/Suggestive Intelligence, which Suggests behaviour. Attitudinal Feeling, or Attitudinal Behaviour, is the position a Body takes in relation to how it Feels about an environment. Therefore, the Impressed Visualisation of Intuitive Awareness can Suggest the Expressed Personalised Attitudinal Behaviour of Intuitive Nature. 

Intuition is also Suggested by Belief, a declaration of Personal Preference or Choice, which is Experiential Motivation or Experiential Consciousness.....Preferentiality. Therefore, Intuitive Belief, or Intuitive Preferentiality, can Suggest the Impressed Visualisation of Intuitive Awareness, and therefore, the Expressed Personalised Attitudinal Behaviour of Intuitive Nature. Alternately, the Impressed Visualisation of Intuitive Awareness can Suggest the Preferentiality of Intuitive Belief, and therefore, the expressed Personalised Attitudinal Behaviour of Intuitive Nature. 

Virtuality is a Subconscious or Personally programmed product of Physical/Practical Common Sensory Logic and Awareness Logic Applications. Common Sensory Logic is a Common Sense Agreement and Awareness Logic is a programmed Creative Logic Agreement. In essence, Virtuality is an Altruistic product of Instinct....a product of the Virtual Brain. 

In comparison, Visualisation is like producing a movie and Virtualisation is like interacting within that movie. However, they are both reflections of focused Creative Thought. Visualisation is an Emotional/Suggestive Impression of Desired Awareness, and Virtualisation is a Physical/Practical Expression of Common Sensory Awareness. They are both Subconscious or Personally programmed. However, Visualisation is only a product of Subconscious or Personally programmed Sensory Impressions. Whereas, Virtualisation is a product of Subconscious or Personally programmed Expressed Sensory Logic Applications, or Applied Sensory Memory, which is a product of Subconscious or Personally programmed Expressed Common Sensory and Awareness Library Applications. 

Sleep-related Dreams are Subconscious Virtualisations. A Coma may produce Subconscious Virtualisations. However, without those Subconscious Virtualisations, it would be an Unconscious state.

Daydreams are Subconscious Visualisations. Meditation is also a Subconscious Visualisation technique. Subconscious means Personally programmed. It is a Motivational Impulse or Reflex Response.

Unconscious means having no Personal or Conscious input. However, in Sleep-related Dreams, we can Consciously navigate and experience the Dream. Therefore, we would not be Unconscious. We would be experiencing a Subconscious or Personally programmed state of Thought.

Sleep without Dreams would be more appropriately termed as Unconscious. There is no Personal or Conscious Thought. Unconscious programs, impulses, or reflex responses would have no Personal or Conscious input. Do we have Unconscious impulses? Impulses that were not Personally programmed through repetition. 



If Virtual Reality is a Personalised Awareness-based Behavioural Logic Environmental construct, and Actual Reality is a Belief-based/Preferentiality-based Behavioural Logic Environmental construct, what is Death?

Virtual Reality is initiated by Instinct, which is Personalised Common Logic...a Personalised expression of Common Sense...a Virtual Brain. Actual Reality is initiated by WILL, which is an expression of Motive-based Sense or expression of Spirit. 

Death could be termed as Brain Death and Spiritual Death. They could both be termed as Conscious Sensory Death. Regarding Virtual Reality and Actual Reality, Virtual Death could be termed as Subconscious Awareness-based Sensory Death, and Actual Death could be termed as Conscious Belief-based Sensory Death....the Subconscious Death of Common Sense, and the Conscious Death of Desire. What would cause the Subconscious Death of Common Sense, and the Conscious Death of Desire?

Conscious means a state or condition of Personal Thought, Personal Opinion, Personal Energy, or Personal Potential. Subconscious means a programmed, reflex responsive, or Impulsive state or condition of Personal Thought, Personal Opinion, Personal Energy, or Personal Potential. Unconscious means a state or condition without Personal Thought, Personal Opinion, Personal Energy, or Personal impersonal/neutral state or condition.

Sleep without Dreaming has been referred to as an Unconscious state. It does not mean a permanent loss of response. It means a temporary lapse of Personal Thought, Personal Opinion, Personal Energy, Personal Potential, or Consciousness.

A Personally programmed state or condition of Consciousness is experienced while Dreaming. Therefore, Sleep becomes a Subconscious state or condition. Sometimes, environmental or Bodily stimuli are symbolically incorporated into the Dream.  

An Unconscious state or condition is an impersonal/neutral state or condition of Thought/Opinion/Energy/Potential. It is not Motive-based. There is no 'Personal' Agenda. 

If Life as we know it is an Actual Reality, or a Belief-based Environmental construct, a Preferential and Experiential Conscious Dream of Mind, what would cause a Personality of Mind to abandon the Dream? Could it be a change of Preferentiality? Could severe Bodily trauma change Preferentiality? If Body is a reflection of Mind, Bodily trauma would be a reflection of Mind Trauma. 

Intuition is a Subconscious or Personally programmed common denominator in all Conscious Mindstates or Dreamstates. It is Personalised Attitudinal Behaviour, suggested by Belief and Personal Awareness. Therefore, it could facilitate Dimensional changes through Intellectual Preferentiality. 

If an entity, through experiential Consciousness or Preferentiality, developed Beliefs that there were essential Bodily and environmental constants required for Life, or required for good health and well being, and those Believed essentials were compromised or negated, Fear could Actualise disease, injury, or Death within the Virtualised Environmental constructs of Mind. It could also Actualise threats of disease, injury, or Death within the Virtualised environmental constructs of Mind. Those threats could reinforce the Beliefs. They could also be accepted by other entities, or made common to all entities of an Actualised Reality, through Intuitive connectivity. Therefore, Fear-based Actualities could evolve from a Virtual Brain-mind. 

If we accept that a Star is a Virtualised representation of a Virtual Brain-mind, within the Mind of Pure Potential, and a Solar system manifests from that Virtual Brain-mind, Planetary Realities, including the Life-forms of those Realities, would be reflections of whatever Mindsets that Virtual Brain-mind Imagined and constructed....hence the term, "Children of the Sun".


Planetary Consciousness: Earth

A White Hole at the centre of a Galaxy represents a Karmic Brain, which has a Virtual Brain-mind or Instinctive-mind at its core. Stars are representations of a Virtual Brain-mind. Planets reflect the Mindsets of a Virtual Brain-mind. WILL is the core Mindset of a Virtual Brain-mind.

In Geometrical Thought Harmonics, what is a Mindset? In essence, it is the infrastructure of a Mindstate....the fundamental fields of Thought that form a state of Mind. Regarding a Virtual Brain-mind, those fields of Thought are WILL, Intuition, Personal Conscience, Social or Environmental Conscience, Language and Species Differentiation, and Instinct. 

The Planetary Consciousness of Earth is a product of WILL. To be more precise, it is a product of Actons, which are clusters of twelve Icosahedrons of WILL. The initial cluster creates a base design and a support design. The base design creates impressions of Desire and the support design creates expressions of Desire. 

An ACTON......Active Concealment Tectonics Orchestrated Necromancy, is a summary of predictions set forth as a communication of Spirit. In essence, Spirit is Desire. Therefore, it is a communication of impression and expression of Desire.

Regarding Earth, the fundamental Actons have a base design of Instinct, which is a Virtual Brain, and a support design of Social or Environmental Conscience, which is a product of Love-interactive Creative Logic Applications......programmed, reflex responsive, or impulsive Experiential Creative Logic Applications.

An Instinctual Social or Environmental Conscience Obtrusive Neutrino Acton is impressed by the Desires of Instinct, the Virtual Brain, and expressed by the Desires of Social or Environmental Conscience. Twelve of those Obtrusive Neutrino Actons connect to a common vortex or sphere centre to create a Sensory Singularity of Intuitive Obtrusive Photonic Acton Complex.

This Complex has been labelled as a Fundamental Freetone. It has an Intuitive General WILL and an Instinctual Social or Environmental Conscience Initial WILL. In essence, an Acton or Actonic Complex could be termed as a Spiritual Crystal....a fractal of WILL. SPIRIT is an acronym for Sentient Plasma Initiating Radiant Intuitive Thought. 



Feedback is a way to self-regulate a system by monitoring environmental impacts. Environmental impacts, or reactions, are relayed back to the source, and in turn, the environment can be adjusted, regulated, or modified. Regarding the Dream of Mind, the Virtualised Environmental construct can be monitored, regulated, and evolved. In essence, a Planetary Consciousness can evolve through a Feedback process. However, that evolution will be dependent upon what has been fed back to the source.

If Violent behaviour is generally accepted within the Environment, violence will evolve. If peaceful behaviour is generally accepted, Mutual Respect will evolve. If Moral behaviour is generally accepted, Experiential Judgement will evolve. If Justice is generally accepted, a regulative process will evolve. However, perceptions of Violence, Peace, Morality, and Justice can vary according to cultural Beliefs, or Species-related conditioning. Therefore, contrasting perceptions could cause chaos and conflict. 

Climate and Atmosphere could be synonymous. In the Mind, they are both Attitudinal constructs. Attitude is the position a body takes in relation to an environment. Therefore, Atmospheric conditions of a Planet could vary according to the general Attitudes of the Life-forms that make up the environment. In the same way, Attitudes of the Life-forms could vary according to the Atmospheric conditions or Climate of the Planet. It is an interactive self-regulation, or self-perpetuating Virtualised Environmental construct based on Feedback to and from the Virtual Brain-mind.....stellar, and galactic i.e. the Virtual Brain-mind of a Star, and the Karmic Brain of a Galaxy. 



The Forum Complex is a Psychological Assessment and Adjustment process that regulates the Planetary Consciousness. In essence, a Forum is an open discussion where everyone can share their Thoughts on social, political, and environmental issues. In the Mind, it is an Actonic process of Feedback, which monitors and adjusts the Virtualised Environmental construct.....what we have determined to be Life. 

The Actonic Assessment is carried out by the WILL of Intuitive Formalisation, which is impressed by the Desires of Intuition and expressed by the Desires of Formalisation. The Actonic Adjustment is carried out by the WILL of Terminal Emulation-based Contestation, which is impressed by the Desires of Terminal Emulation and expressed by the Desires of Contestation.

Formalisation is the process of making something legally or fundamentally appropriate and recognised, within or to a particular system. A Terminal Emulator is an emulated Basic Input Output System (BIOS) that controls the Mainframe of a system, and allows adjustments to the system so that incompatible entities can be terminated, or compatible entities can be accepted and integrated into that system. Contestation is a legal debate to quantify and proclaim what is to be integrated into a System, and what is to be eliminated from that System.

Intuition is Personalised Attitudinal Guidance, or Navigational Consciousness. It is a Sensory Singularity impressed by Physical Desire, and expressed as Personalised Attitudinal Behaviour. Therefore, the WILL of Intuitive Formalisation is Personalised Attitudinal Guidance for assessing whether something is legally or fundamentally appropriate and recognised, within or to a particular system. It is Systemic Assessment. 

Terminal Emulation is a function of Justice, which is regulatory. It is a Sensory Singularity impressed by Interpretations of Mental Desire. Therefore, the WILL of Terminal Emulation-based Contestation is Systemic Adjustment. 

In essence, Terminal Emulation could also be defined as 'emulating finality or Death'. However, change could also bring about the finality or Death of a particular state or condition....a change of Mind....a change of circumstances or conditions, environmental changes. 


Sanctity Complex

In essence, Sanctity is inviolability, which means 'not able to be violated'. This inviolability is carried out by the Actonic WILL of Christ-based Infatuation....a Christ Acton....Christ-based Infatuation Obtrusive Neutrino Acton...Christ Consciousness.

CHRIST is an acronym for Cryptic Host Renouncing Indiscriminate Sadistic Traits. It is a state of Mind that wishes no harm to any Being, and seeks not to take advantage of their vulnerable circumstances or conditions. In essence, it has no religious connotations. It simply renounces violence. 

Infatuation is Motive-based Physical Love, programmed, reflex responsive, or impulsive Motivation, or programmed, reflex responsive, or impulsive Consciousness. 

A Sanctity Complex encapsulates the Fundamental Freetone of the Forum Complex with Christ-based Infatuation Obtrusive Neutrino Actons. A Christ Acton is impressed by the Desires of Christ, which is to renounce violence, and expressed by the Desires of Infatuation, which is to program Consciousness. Therefore, Christ-based Infatuation Obtrusive Neutrino Actons program the Fundamental Freetone, or Planetary Consciousness, through the renunciation of impulsive renunciation of violence. 

Has this been attempted before? If so, why did the programming fail? 



GOD, in this instance, is an acronym for Guidance Of Divinity. DIVINITY is an acronym for Direct Intuition Via Initial Nature In Total Yield.....Guidance of Intuitive Nature.....Intuitive Attitudinal Behaviour.

If a Christ Acton collapses inwards, it can create a Sensory Singularity of Intuitive Intuitive Obtrusive Photonic Actonic WILL of Intuition. This Actonic WILL is impressed by the Desires of Intuition, and expressed by the Desires of Intuition. 

When the Fundamental Freetone of Planetary Consciousness is encapsulated by these Actons, it creates the GOD Complex. This GOD Complex forms the General WILL of a FEAR Acton, which is the Actonic WILL of Personal Conscience-based Language and Species Differentiation, a Personal Conscience-based Language and Species Differentiation Obtrusive Neutrino Acton, with an Initial WILL of Intuitive WILL. 



If the Fundamental Freetone of Planetary Consciousness collapses inwards, it can create an Intuitive Obtrusive Photonic Acton Complex. The Instinctual Social or Environmental Conscience Actons, which are Neutrino Actons, of the Fundamental Freetone collapse inwards to create the Sensory Singularity of Intuitive WILL.

The General WILL of this Complex is Intuitive WILL, and the Initial WILL is Intuitive WILL. When this Complex is encapsulated by Intuitive WILL Actons, similar to the GOD Complex, it creates a Christ Photon. It then has a General WILL of Christ-based Infatuation, an Initial WILL of Intuitive WILL, and a Primary WILL of Intuitive WILL. Therefore, it has an Intuitive WILL to renounce violence. 

If our Planetary Consciousness reflected the principles of a Christ Photon, what form of Virtualised Environmental construct would it manifest? What would a Reality look like that renounced violence? The Attitudinal Behaviour of the Planet, the Atmospheric conditions or climate, and the Life-forms would not be violent. 



SMART is an acronym for Selective Memory And Restricted Transmission. A Smart Complex has the Fundamental Freetone of Planetary Consciousness encapsulated by Justice Intrusive Photonic Actons, which are rotational opposites to the Intuitive Obtrusive Photonic Actons of Intuitive WILL.

A Justice Intrusive Photonic Acton is impressed by the Desires of Accrual, and expressed by the Desires of Terminal Emulation. It is the Actonic WILL of Accrual-based Terminal Emulation.

Accrual, in this regard, is similar to a Multiplexer, which combines multiple informational feeds into a single feed. It is a product of internally focused Pentagon Pyramids of Physical Desire, which create a Sensory Singularity of Physical Desire.

Intuition's internally focused Pentagon Pyramids of Physical Desire are rotational opposites to Accrual's Pentagon Pyramids of Physical Desire. In that regard, the internally focused Physical Desires of Intuition could be regarded as a Demultiplexer, which separates the combined informational feeds for individual transmission. However, Intuition's internally focused Physical Desires create the Awareness of Intuition...Intuitive Awareness....Intuitively Desired Awareness. 

A SMART PHOTON has twelve Intuitive Obtrusive Photonic Actons of Intuitive WILL connecting to a common centre or vortex, which creates a Sensory Singularity of Intuitive WILL. It also has twelve Justice Intrusive Photonic Acton nodules attached to the Intuitive WILL Photon. 

A Smart Complex, or Smart Fundamental Freetone, would control what is accessed and expressed from the Intuitive WILL of Instinct-based Social or Environmental Conscience. A Smart Photon would control Intuitive WILL in general. 



In theory, a Black Hole is a Singularity. In Geometrical Thought Harmonics, a Sensory Singularity occurs when focused Creative Thought or focused Imagination is centred. 

Awareness is a Sensory Singularity. Self-awareness is an Emotional/Suggestive Sensory Singularity of Awareness centrally impressed by Attitude and Common Sense. Intuitive Awareness is an Emotional/Suggestive Sensory Singularity of Awareness centrally impressed by Mental and Physical Desire, and expressed through Attitudinal Behaviour. Justice is a Sensory Singularity, not Awareness-related, centrally impressed by Mental and Physical Desire. Instinctual Justice is a Mental/Detailed Sensory Singularity of Awareness expressed by Common Sense. Intuitive Justice is an Emotional/Suggestive Sensory Singularity of Awareness centrally impressed by Experiential or Belief-interactive Mental and Physical Desire. A Karmic Brain, which is a combination of Instinctual and Intuitive Justice, is an Emotional/Suggestive Sensory Singularity of Awareness centrally impressed by Experiential or Belief-interactive Mental and Physical Desire, and expressed through Attitudinal Behaviour, as well as a Mental/Detailed Sensory Singularity of Awareness expressed through Common Sense. 

Is a Black Hole a Sensory Singularity of Awareness? Or, is it a Sensory Singularity that is not Awareness-related? If it is the latter, it could be Justice-related. Is it impression and expression of WILL? If it were, it would be either Intuitive WILL, which is Obtrusive, or the WILL of Accrual-based Terminal Emulation, which is Intrusive. They are both Photonic. 

ACTON is an acronym for Active Concealment Tectonics Orchestrated Necromancy. Tectonics is the science or art of construction. Necromancy, not tainted by supserstition, can mean communication of Spirit. In Geometrical Thought Harmonics, Spirit is Desire. Obtrusive can mean to thrust outward. Regarding Actons, it can mean obvious, prominent, easily noticeable, or seen. Intrusive can mean to thrust inward. Regarding Actons, it can mean not easily noticeable, or unseen.

The acronym of ACTON could mean Active (Obtrusive) and Concealed (Intrusive) predictions of Desire...Seen and Unseen products of WILL. Could this relate to matter and antimatter, or Light and Dark Energy....seen and unseen forms of energy?  

Photonic Actons, Obtrusive and Intrusive, have twelve Icosahedrons of WILL connecting to a common centre or vortex, which becomes a Sensory Singularity of WILL. Neutrino Actons, Obtrusive and Intrusive, have twelve Icosahedrons of WILL connecting to a central or Thirteenth Icosahedron of WILL, which can be smaller, larger, or the same size as the other twelve. 

Photonic Actons have a General WILL and Initial WILL. They create a Sensory Singularity of WILL. Neutrino Actons have a General WILL, an Initial WILL, and a Primary WILL. They do not create a Sensory Singularity of WILL. The core Icosahedron is the Primary WILL.

It has been stated that Photonic Actons can be Obtrusive (seen) and Intrusive (unseen). Light can be visible and invisible. Are Obtrusive Photonic Actons visible Light, and Intrusive Photonic Actons invisible Light? If that is the case, what are visible (Obtrusive) and invisible (Intrusive) Neutrino Actons? 

Is a Black Hole Photonic.....a Sensory Singularity of WILL? Is it Intrusive? If it is, it would be a product of Justice Intrusive Photonic Actons....a Sensory Singularity of WILL impressing the Desires of Accrual, and expressing the Desires of Terminal Emulation.....Dark Light. It would be taking back, or recalling, what has manifested into the Dream of Mind. 



The Dream of Mind is a Virtualised Environmental construct. Sleep-related Dreams can resemble a Visualised Environmental construct until we accept control over the Dream, or over a Personally accepted or Identified Self within the Dream. The Dream becomes a Personally programmed or Subconscious Virtualisation.....a Personalised Virtualisation. The emphasis is on 'Personalisation', which is to make something more acceptable to an Identified Self. 

Personality is a Personal Identified Attitudinal Behaviour. Identity is Intellectual Preferentiality, a product of Experiential Consciousness and Experiential Intelligence.....experience-based/interactive Conscious Intelligence. Attitude is the position a Body takes in relation to an environment. Behaviour is Suggested by Feeling, which is an expression of Emotional/Suggestive Intelligence. Attitudinal Behaviour is the position a Body takes in relation to how it Feels about an environment. Identified Attitudinal Behaviour is the position a Body takes in relation to how it Feels about a Personally accepted or Consciously experienced environment. The emphasis is on 'Personally accepted'....Believed.

What is the difference between a Sleep-related Virtualised Environmental construct or a Daydream-related Visualised Environmental construct, compared to an Actualised or Believed Environmental construct? The first two are generally accepted as products of OUR Imagination. However, the Actualised or Believed Environmental construct that we have accepted to be Life has not been accepted as a product of OUR Imagination. It is generally Believed to be a product of something elses Creation. That is the difference! We haven't yet accepted ownership. 

If we examine the conduct of the people within this environment, we can see that they are inadvertently attempting to claim ownership of the Dream of Life by symbolically acquiring land, resources, and space, as well as Personalising the environment, and attempting to control the environment, to suit the Self. It is the Consciously partitioned Mind attempting to recognise and control its own Creation through its infinite and innate Virtualisations of a Personal Self. 



If Memory, which is an accumulation and categorisation of Thoughts, is improperly categorised and stored, fragmentation can occur.

In essence, what is Fragmentation? It could be defined as a whole divided or broken up into parts. It could also be defined as the parts of a Chronological or time-related Memory, Conscious/Personal Memory, being stored in incorrect time periods or being incorrectly categorised. 

Sometimes, Sleep-related Dreams can be a product of fragmented and distorted Memories. Other times, they can be lucid and clearly defined. Regarding the latter, they can be so lucid that it is difficult to distinguish them from our Actual or Conscious Reality.

Does this have anything to do with our Feelings, which are expressions of Emotional/Suggestive Intelligence? Or, is it the result of our Emotional/Suggestive Thoughts in general?

This could include Emotional/Suggestive Intelligence, the Emotional/Suggestive Experiential Intelligence of Morality, the Emotional/Suggestive Experiential Imagination of Love, Emotional/Suggestive Awareness, a combination of the Emotional/Suggestive Experiential Imagination, Emotional/Suggestive Experiential Awareness, and Emotional/Suggestive Experiential Intelligence, of Synchronicity, the Emotional/Suggestive Experiential Motivation of Belief, and a combination of the Emotional/Suggestive Experiential Motivation, and Emotional/Suggestive Experiential Intelligence, of Identity.

If it were to do with Feelings, it could include the Attitudinal Feelings of Nature, the Moral-interactive or Experiential Attitudinal Feelings of Virtue, the Awareness-based Feelings of Respect, the Synchronicity-based Experiential Attitudinal and Awareness-based Feelings of Mutual Respect, the Belief-based Feelings of Trust, and the Identity-based Experiential Attitudinal and Belief-based Feelings of Personality. 

How could Personal/Conscious Emotional/Suggestive Thoughts and Feelings Elucidate and Fragment the Dreams of Mind? If we accept that Consciousness in general partitions the Mind, then the Dreams of Consciousness would already be Fragmented. However, how could Personal/Conscious Emotional/Suggestive Thoughts and Feelings Elucidate the Fragmented Dreams of Mind? 

All Mindstates are Logical constructs initiated by Feeling....initiated by expressions of Emotional/Suggestive Intelligence. Therefore, all Mindstates are products of Behavioural Logic, Behavioural Memory, an accumulation and categorisation of Feelings.....categorised and stored Feelings. Regarding Consciousness, it would be an accumulation and categorisation of Personalised Feelings, which Suggest Personalised Behaviour. Therefore, it would be Memory of Conscious Behaviour.

Could Sleep-related Dreams be reflections of Conscience, which is a product of Mental Logic Interpretations? If so, they could be reflections of Personal Conscience, Habit or Comfort Conscience, Social or Environmental Conscience, and Morality-based Conduct Conscience, to name a few. 

Personal Conscience and Habit or Comfort Conscience are initiated or Suggested by the expressed Desires of Belief-based Feeling or Trust-based WILL, which is Faith. Social or Environmental Conscience is initiated or Suggested by the Common Sense-expressed Awareness-based Feeling of Respect. When Personalised, it becomes the Respect-based Instinct of Instinctual Respect. Conduct Conscience is initiated or Suggested by the Moral-based Experiential Attitudinal Feeling of Virtue-awareness, an Attitudinal expression of Self-awareness, the Nature of Self-awareness, which is Self-control....Self-regulation. When Personalised, it becomes the Intuitive Nature of Compassion, Intuitive Compassion, which is Motivational Self-control, Self-regulated Motivation, or Self-regulated Consciousness. 

In light of that information, Elucidating the Fragmented Dreams of Mind could be influenced by the Love-based Sense Agreement of Awareness, a Conclusive Agreement of Imagination, which is a Sensory Impulse and Sensory Singularity, Morality, which is the Experience-based Intelligence of Experiential Judgement, or Belief, which is the Experience-based Motivation, or Experiential Consciousness, of Choice or Preferentiality. 


Environmental Imprinting and Embedding

Environment can mean circumstantial surroundings. Imprinting can mean an Experiential or Associative connection. Embedding can mean to fix within or incorporate into something.

Why have we become embedded within this Conscious Dream or Actualised Environmental construct? Is it because of an Experiential or Associative connection to this Dreamstate? If so, did that Imprintation Embed us into this Dream? If it did, what did we Imprint upon? 

Imprinting, through environmental interaction, is an attraction or Associative connection to something or someone within that environment. In essence, it makes an indelible impression upon the psyche.

Is Mind itself a Dream of Pure Potential? If so, a Personality of Mind would be a Personal Reality or Personal Dreamstate within the One Dream/Mind. 

Pure Potential is an infinite source of Possible Thoughts. Mind is an accumulation and categorisation of Thoughts, a Logical construct initiated or Suggested by Feeling. However, Mind is a generalisation. There are infinite possible Mindstates that could manifest within that generalisation, and they are all Attitudinally derived. A DREAM is also Attitudinally derived...Direct Response Expressed Attitude Manipulation. NATURE is an expression of Attitude....Normal Attitudinal Thought Under Regulated Expression. MIND is a Mediative Instructional Nature Delegation.

ATTITUDE is the common denominator, Acquired Thought Transmission Intiating Traits Under Direct Expression, the position a Body takes in relation to an environment. It is Intellect-based Sense. Intellect is Receptive and Constructive Thought, which takes on board and builds upon concepts. Sense, labels recognises and recalls Memory. It is focused Creative Thought...focused Imagination. Therefore, Attitude is Creatively focused Intelligence....a Receptive and Constructive Sense. Nature is a Physically Creative Expression of Emotional/Suggestive Receptive and Constructive Thought....a Physically Creative Expression of concepts that have been Suggestively taken on board and built upon. 

A Personality is an Identity-based Interactive or Experiential Attitudinal Behaviour, an Identity-based Interactive or Experiential Nature, an Attitudinally expressed Suggestion of Identity, a Physically Creative Expression of Suggestively Identified concepts that have been taken on board and built upon. 

When we Identify with something, we make an Associative connection to that thing...a Conscious/Personal Experiential Association. If that is the case, it could cause Imprintation and inadvertently instigate Environmental Embedding. 

Identity is Intellectual Preferentiality, Preferential/Belief-based Intelligence. Intellect is Receptive and Constructive Thought, which takes on board and builds upon concepts. Feeling, which is an expression of Emotional/Suggestive Intelligence, Suggests Behaviour. Attitudinal Feeling Suggests Attitudinal Behaviour. Attitude is the position a Body takes in relation to an environment. Therefore, Attitudinal Behaviour is the position a Body takes in relation to how it Feels about an environment. Identity-based Interactive or Experiential Attitudinal Behaviour, Personality or Personal Reality, would be the position a Body takes in relation to how it Feels about a Suggestively Identified Environment.

A Suggestively Identified Environment could be defined as a Circumstantially Proposed Conscious/Personal Experiential Association. Therefore, Personality would be the position a Body takes in relation to how it Feels about a Circumstantially Proposed Conscious/Personal Experiential Association.



Worship is expressing reverence for someone or something. It can be reverence for a sports star, movie star, pop star, religious icon or symbol, Royalty, God or Gods, or any entity for that matter. In the Mind, what would cause a Personality or Conscious entity to resort to worship? 

Infatuation is a state of Motive-based Physical Love, programmed, reflex responsive, or impulsive Physical Motivation. Could Infatuation be responsible for worship? 

Faith has been commonly associated with God-worship. It is a product of Trust-based WILL. Trust is Belief-based Feeling. Belief is a product of Experience-based or Experiential Motivation or Consciousness. Feeling is an expression of Emotional/Suggestive Intelligence. Intellect takes on board and builds upon concepts. It is receptive and constructive Thought.

The Belief-based Feeling of Trust is an expression of Suggestive Experiential-motivation-based Receptive and Constructive Thought. It is purely Suggestive.

WILL is an expression of Desire, an expression of Wishes. Therefore, Faith is the expressed Wishes of Suggestive Experiential-motivation-based Receptive and Constructive Thought. A Trust-based expression of Desire. Could Trust be responsible for Worship?

Has Faith been correctly or incorrectly defined as Trusting the Expressed Wishes of One that is Worshipped, or Trusting the WILL of One that is Worshipped? Regarding God-worship, it could be Trusting the WILL of a God. Or, is Faith simply Trusting WILL in general? If so, it could be Trusting the WILL of SELF, having Faith in the SELF, or Trusting the WILL of someone else, having Faith in someone else. 

Taking all of that information into consideration, Faith is more likely to be Trusting WILL in general. Trusting that the expressed Wishes of the SELF or someone else WILL come to fruition. Therefore, Faith in general would not be responsible for Worship. However, we could have Faith in an entity that is Worshipped. Regarding Belief in general, we could Believe in an entity that is Worshipped. If we accept that Fear is Belief-based, we could Fear an entity that is Worshipped. However, it is doubtful that Fear in general could be responsible for Worship. 

Love is unconditional acceptance. It is programmed, reflex responsive, or impulsive Thought. Self-awareness is a product of Emotional/Suggestive Love. Reason is a product of Physical/Practical Love. Infatuation is a Personalised product of Physical/Practical Love. Justice is a Personalised product of Reason. Intuition is a Personalised product of Emotional/Suggestive Love. Compassion is a Personalised product of Self-awareness. Could Love be responsible for Worship? Or, do we simply Love something or someone that is Worshipped? If this is so, what causes Worship?

Worship is placing something or someone on a pedestal. It is highly regarding an entity as more important than the Self, or having a Potential that is deemed to be far greater than the Self. For that to occur, we would have to Feel unworthy of that importance, or of that Potential. What would cause that Feeling of unworthiness?

Is ignorance of our own Potential responsible for Worship? Ignorance is a lack of information or Awareness. Therefore, we could Fear or Revere an entity that appeared to have more knowledge than us, or was capable of expressing more Potential than us. If that is the case, Ignorance could be responsible for Worship, and the Competitive Ignorance of Arrogance could be responsible for wanting or expecting to be worshipped. 

Worshipping anyone or anything is disrespecting the Self!



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